Monday, January 29, 2007

Sick again

Man, I've got a cold again. It seems like I get this crud at least every other month. It usually goes straight to my throat. I loose my voice numerous times every year, which is not good for someone who sings on occasion. It started yesterday afternoon and I didn't realize until just now that I have an almost full bottle of Zicam. So, I started it now but I'm not expecting it to help a whole lot. Man, that stuff is gross.

In case you're wondering, things are going pretty well with the baby. He wants to eat all the time. Or it seems like that anyway. He's taking about 4 ounces every three hours if we can hold him off that long. He has another Dr. appt. on Wednesday. I think I'll ask if it's o.k. for me to go up to 5 ounces. He's starting to get some newborn acne stuff. Jack had that really bad for over a month. I hope this one just gets a mild case. I'm starting to "hear" him crying even when he's not crying. Can anyone else identify with that. It's weird. It seems like that happened when Jack was a baby too. Maybe I'm just going a little bit nuts. Well, the kiddo is awake and hungry again. Phillip and I are hoping to get in an episode of 24 tonight after he goes back to sleep. I know I should just go to bed, but I just can't make myself go to bed before 10:30.

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