Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Baby update

I guess the real update is that there is no update. It's been almost two weeks since he was supposed to have a visit with bio. mom. And I haven't heard a word from C.P.S. since then. I really expected to hear from them before now to reschedule the visit. So, as far as I'm concerned, no news is good news. He will have a court date in less than two months. At that time, we'll have a much better idea (I hope) about where we stand. I'm really hoping that bio. mom has not been attending the classes/therapy that she was assigned. If that's the case, they could start talking about termination of parental rights soon. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself or start assuming things that I know nothing about. But I do know that if she were doing well, she would be seeing a heck of a lot more of the baby. So, anyway, that's about it. I feel much better about things than I did a month or so ago.

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