Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Work stuff

I feel pretty defeated at work lately. I just feel like I'm not doing a good job and I'm letting little things slip through the cracks. I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's the added time and attention another child requires. I don't know if maybe my heart is just not in it or what. Anyway, I need to step it up and start paying more attention to what I'm doing. I feel like I could easily be replaced with someone who would do a more thorough job. Attention to detail has never been my strong suit. This is not coming from any kind of reprimand or anything like that. It's just something I feel within myself. I wish I could just make a part time income doing something I actually enjoy, but I don't see that in the near future. I'm not really as down in the dumps as this post may appear. I'm just stating the fact that I'm not keeping all these balls in the air very well.

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