Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Good morning

I got up pretty early this morning...for me. I got up at 5:45 when Phillip got up and made coffee and breakfast for him....such a good wife, I know. Yeah, right. He was like, "Who are you? What have you done with my wife?"

Anyway, so now it's like 6:30 and it's got to be just a matter of minutes before Mikey starts bopping around in his crib and then shortly after that Jack will be up too and then my day will really begin. I will probably start getting up this early from now on if I can function though the day on this little sleep. So, now I know I should take advantage of this time and read my Bible or something spiritual like that. But what am I doing instead? Blogging.

But...I thought I would take a quick minute instead of doing a devotional, to tell you about some interesting ones I tried yesterday. My friend and I are putting devotional stuff on our church web site, but it's not quite ready for public viewing yet. We're basically just linking to a bunch of online devotionals for various "types" of people. Anyway, we put a couple of visual reflection type things on yesterday that her husband found. They're a little bit bizarro, but they could be cool for the right person. Anyway, if you need something to do, you might want to check these out. I haven't looked at the guided tour.

- 4 Rooms

- Labyrinth (self-guided)

- Labyrinth (guided tour)

Ok, well, I better go try to get something meaningful done before they wake up. Is doing the dishes meaningful?


Unknown said...

Jenny, I think you should get up early and make coffee and breakfast every morning, then everybody should go to bed early. I know that I'm not supposed to give advice unless it's asked for, but hey, when it says "leave a comment"....

Unknown said...

And thank you to you and your friend for the 4 rooms of Jesus. The simplicity and serenity of those visuals helped me with trying to get the right mind-set of possibly moving in a few months to a smaller place and having to give up "thing" and simplifying, and focusing on the things that are really important.