Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Great News!!

My Arrow Project worker called today to let me know that Mikey's biological mom relinquished her rights. So now, it looks like we'll be shooting for some time in November to make this kiddo a Hintze. There just aren't words to describe how excited and relived I am. Here's non-identifying picture of the little dude. Check out his Spiderman PJs. Soon we'll be able to post pictures of his pretty little face.


Mad Housewife said...

YAY!! Congrats!! That's awesome news!

Jimmy said he saw you walk up with a baby to get Jackson today. I saw you, but it was raining so I didn't want to roll the window down and shout "Hey Jenny!" across the school parking lot. Jimmy also told me that Jackson pulled his pants down in class yesterday to show everyone his underpants--Hee hee! He's still talking about it today. He says Jackson is his new buddy. And I did hear about the bloody nose and visiting the "little hospital" at school.

I think the reason Jimmy talks so much about school is because he's just a talkitive kid. He's so excitable, and everything in the world fascinates him. So if you ever want to know what's going on in their classroom, just ask. I'm sure Jimmy will be happy to tell me all about what they're doing.

Jenny Hintze said...

Oh, that is just great! He did not tell me about the underwear thing. Ninja Turtle underwear, I think. But I must say I am not surprised. The child has no sense of modesty. I just hope he doesn't walk out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles in front of a bunch of little girls. We've never made him wear clothes (except for underwear) around the house and we're paying for it now.

You and Jimmy just keep me posted about any other things I should know about Jackson.

Mad Housewife said...

I don't think you have to worry about girls too much. Jimmy said there are only three girls in their class.

Evidently there's'a bit of a bully in their class. Jimmy said this boy kicked him in the back on his backpack, and he's been complaining of his Adam's apple area hurting because the same boy kicked him in the neck. He's told me all about how this boy is constantly getting in trouble and sitting in the "time-out" chair and once going to the principal's office. I don't know if the principal's office thing is true--There have only been a few days of school, and I can't imagine a child acting up so bad he's already going to the principal's office. Jimmy also said this boy was teasing Jackson and calling other children rude names, and Jimmy said he told this boy to leave them alone.

Jenny Hintze said...

I guess I'll have to ask Jack about that. It seems like there's always gotta be at least one jerk in each class. That kid better watch out because my son thinks he's a ninja.