Saturday, September 01, 2007


Phillip and I were in the "Coasters" and the Jazz Band out at Brazosport College when we were younger. That's where we kind of met....again. Anyway, there was this really cool middle aged guy in those groups with us named Horace. He kind of watched out for us little kids. Anyway, Phillip and I both really like this guy. There was one time when we were dating that we decided to play the basketball game, H.O.R.S.E., but instead we decided to play H.O.R.A.C.E. We were just talking about that the other day and thinking that it was pretty funny. I'm pretty sure Phillip kicked my butt at H.O.R.A.C.E.


Unknown said...

Your comments on Horace bring back memories of The Coasters. I was so proud of the only girl in that little group, the swingin' little sax player! Good memories.

Maury said...

Can you believe that I was in The Coasters? I sang bass for a few semesters. Maybe you guys came in right after I left?

Phillip Hintze said...

Wow. I find that really hard to believe. I would love to have seen it.

I was there from Fall '95 - Spring'97.

Maury said...

I'm on a couple of songs on that CD we made back in like 93 or 94.

Sounds like you showed up right as we were leaving. It was me, Jed Ragsdale (?), some guy named Danny, Ben Holt, Kim Bannon, Chris Nunnally, and a few other people. Jeremy Gallamore was the bass bone dude, and he's the guy that could also fart on command (long story).

I'm not into vocal harmonies any more, but "Silence of Time" (New York Voices, '93) is still an amazing acapella song.