Monday, October 29, 2007

Kroger tour tomorrow morning

Mikey is on WIC because he is a "foster child." I hate calling him that, but unfortunately he still is. Anyway, I have to go to silly little training classes every two or three months to learn about proper nutrition and infant care and that kind of garbage. Tomorrow I will be joining the Brazoria County WIC folks and other women and children who are on WIC at Kroger for a tour. We will be learning about how to choose healthy foods for our families. In particular, we will be learning about saturated fats. Sweet! I am just so excited and cannot wait! I would much rather just go to one of their silly little training classes at the office, but they do training at 5:00 p.m. and Phillip is not home from work at that time. And I would rather not have to take both kids. So anyway, that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. Everyday there is something to look forward to.


Maury said...

Will you get me some Nature Valley Oats 'n Honey Bars and a Family Size thingie of Frosted Flakes?

Thanks, you're the bestest!

debbie said...

That's funny! Wish I had thought of it first.

Unknown said...

So maury, those things will go in the pantry next to the Cheetoes, right? I don't know you, but I do know you love Cheetoes.

Maury said...

Actually, the Oats n Honey bars go on the shelf directly above the cereal and Cheetoes. =)