Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas is ruined!

Jackson found a couple of his poorly hidden Christmas presents yesterday. He just told me about it this evening. I really can't believe he managed to keep that secret for that long. One of the presents was supposed to be from Santa, so now I'm going to have to figure something else out. Jackson thinks that Phillip and I are considering taking them back since he saw them. So I think on Christmas morning we may keep those presents hidden until the end and see if he says anything about them. Then if he does we'll just tell him we took them back to the store. Maybe toy with him a little, perhaps make him cry on Christmas morning. That could be fun, right? We'll see. I guess it just depends on how cute he looks in his striped Christmas p.j.s that morning.


Jim Looby said...

Wrong, yet funny.

beth hintze said...

oh Jenny...that is so funny! have you heard the story about when Warren pretended to shoot the Easter bunny and freaked Ryan out?! I think squashing kids holiday dreams must run in the Hintze family...but you might want to think about how things tend to turn out when you play such funny tricks on these young, impressionable Hintze children!! ;)