Friday, January 25, 2008

This day

I think I probably do best when I actually have something to do. I like the thought of having nothing to do when I'm busy, but when it actually happens, it just feels weird. Jackson is at school and Mikey's with Phillilp's parents. I used to work on Fridays before I quit my job. I had a few errands to run this morning. Only one of those things actually got accomplished. It's just too dang cold outside. Too cold to live is what I always tell Phillip. I was going to take some documents to our attorney, but I decided to mail them instead. I watched a movie earlier, but I kept looking at the clock like there was something I was supposed to be doing. I could straighten up a few things around the house, but once the kids get home you'll never be able to tell that it was clean. I think I kind of like it in a little disarray anyway. Earlier I caught myself leaning against a doorway staring at nothing. I could work on editing some photos, but the room where the computer is, the room I'm in now, is by far the coldest room in the house. My hands and feet are absolutely freezing. In a couple of hours Mikey will be home and I'll soon forget that I was searching for something to do. Anyway, I think I'm going to go eat some chicken and dumplings under a blanket on the couch and see what idiotic show I can find to watch on t.v.

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