Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Jackson stuff

Here's a couple more pictures that I took at the park on Sunday. I think these are the only two out of over 100 where he is actually looking at me and smiling.

I just thought of a kind of amusing Jackson moment that took place on Saturday evening. Jack was wearing a t-shirt that says "Mr. Genius." Our pastor's wife asked him what his shirt said and he said, "I don't know what it says." So much for the genius thing.

Jackson started crying yesterday morning after he woke up when he found out that Phillip had started back to work. It was pretty pitiful. After he stopped crying a little, he asked me if I would learn to play the Lego Star Wars video game. So, later that morning we played it for 30 minutes. It was the longest 30 minutes of my life. Ok, maybe not, but it was up there. I am absolutely horrible at video games. He was telling me what to do and where to go. He kept getting frustrated with me because I didn't know what the heck was going on. He told me a few times that it was o.k. for me to stop playing. He wanted to call Phillip a couple of times. I think (hopefully) he has decided that he doesn't want to play that with me anymore.


Mad Housewife said...

He is sooooo cute! He looks like he could model for Osh-Gosh!

Chuchey Dradey said...

He is the man!