Sunday, September 24, 2006

What to do....what to do.....

As some of you know, we are waiting and waiting for a foster/adopt placement. We've been able to accept placements for three months now and still nothing. We figured since we could choose a gender, we would go for a girl. We had no reason to believe it would take any longer to get a girl than a boy. They are usually equally "available." But apparently every infant that has come along, has either been a boy or part of a sibling group that they are wanting to keep together. And it seems that the longer we wait, the more I wonder if we (I) have made a mistake reqesting a girl. Phillip never cared. I pretty much talked him into the girl thing. And I am beginning to seriously second guess myself. If they came over right now with a baby boy, we'd glady take him. Neither one of us really care a whole lot. I know I want a girl someday. But I'm just beginning to wonder if now is just not the time for that. I don't know. I don't think we should stick to our guns just simply because we have some girly things in the nursery that we'd rather not put away or replace. That doesn't seem like a good reason. Anyway, I've really been in some turmoil over this the last couple of weeks. Am I just getting impatient? I just don't know.


Maury said...

Well, if you do get a girl, I have a doll she can have. Of course, the massive head and blinking eyes might scare her...

Mad Housewife said...

The right baby will come at the right time, you have to believe that. I'm sorry it's taking so long. Have you broadened your horizons? Maybe widen the search area for a child? I don't know if you're on a list for the Houston metro or the entire state of Texas, but could you broaden your search?