Thursday, February 15, 2007

Losing Weight

I'm excited and proud to say that I've lost about 10 lbs. in the last couple of months. I'm really pretty amazed. I haven't been doing a whole lot to loose it. I'm not on a diet and I don't feel deprived. I've just been more intentional about what I'm choosing to eat. I'm eating three meals a day and a snack or two. I'm eating smaller portions and looking at labels and trying to avoid things that I know I shouldn't eat. I'm putting much less sugar in my coffee and I'm eating only whole wheat bread. We haven't even purchased sodas or chips in quite a while (except for Pringles for Jackson). Anyway, just thought that I would share. Now I just need to keep it off.


Chuchey Dradey said...

congrats! Come by the church sometime.

Phillip Hintze said...

What, so you can check out my wife?!


Jim Looby said...

Nah. Donnie does all his stalking on the Web and with that snazzy telephoto/infrared lens he bought.

Mad Housewife said...

The coffee thing is what got me after we moved here. I like tons of cream and sugar, so I gained a lot. I also had a fling with Pepsi.

Then I got pregnant and stopped drinking coffee and Pepsi completely. I've lost it all, but my doc has been worried throughout my pregnancy wondering why I lost so much weight and thought something was wrong with me.

The empty calories of sugar can take its toll on a body. If I had known that's all it was, I would have stopped drinking all that sooner. I know now not to go back to it after the baby is born.

By the way, she could be here as soon as next week. My doc is going to stop all labor prevention at week 36, and I'm in the middle of week 35 now.