Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Pink eye, ear infection, and a new baby

Jack has had a cold for a couple of weeks now. It would seem like he was getting over it and then it would get worse again. Finally yesterday, I could tell that we needed to go to the doctor. And as I suspected, he has an ear infection. Jackson has not had to be on an antibiotic since he was about 10 months old. He rarely gets sick and he usually gets rid of it pretty quick if he does. But now that we've got a new baby, of course he gets sick. So, I've got a cold, Jack's got a cold. Phillip somehow has avoided getting this. We've been keeping Jackson shut in his room with his portable DVD player. Anyway, Jackson woke up this morning with his eyes glued shut and all red.

Now we're trying to keep the baby from getting a cold...and pink eye! This is AWESOME!! Phillip's mom (A.K.A. Nana) is coming over soon to save the poor baby from this sick house. I have held the baby as little as possible for the last week or so in hopes that I wouldn't give him my cold. I feel bad that I haven't been able to spend more time with him. But most of all, I just don't want him to get sick.

I'm using Lysol like it's going out of style and my hands are cracked and red from washing them every 10 minutes. Ok, gotta go.


Taysom Family said...

Hang in there Jenny . . . I still remember that first year with two children in the house. I fine tuned my germaphobic self really well that year . . . at least that's my excuse - Rachel

Lizanne said...

This is absoluyely the best lotion. I use it and wash my hands a million times a day since I teach pre-schoolers. This is the only stuff that works for me, check it out. Luv ya!

Lizanne said...

Ok-so I can't get the link-grr- It's hemp hand protector from The Body Shop-worth every penny!

Mad Housewife said...

I'm going to sound like the previous advertisement here, but Bath & Body Works has an antibacterial soap made with lotion in it. I mean, it actually looks like lotion, all creamy and smooth. I use it constantly!

Poor Jackson! Conjunctivitis is the worst! Next time he wakes up with eyes glued shut, gently rub them with a warm wet washcloth until they open. Now give him two cookies and call me in the morning--Ha! Ha!

Hope you all get to feeling better. I will think warm happy thoughts for you!
