Thursday, March 31, 2005


We had another pretty good scare on Sunday when I started to have more pain and bleeding. We went back to Texas Women's Hospital and had an ultrasound. The baby is still hanging in there. The baby's growth and heartbeat are both good. There are two areas where the placenta has pulled away, but my doctors are optimistic. For the next four to five weeks I need to stay as still as I can. My doctor told me to think of my uterus and surrounding areas as jello and told me not to "jiggle" it too much. So the pogo stick has to go. No more horse back riding or sky diving in the near future.

I have apointments in one week and the week following. Assuming we can get through the next month, my doctors believe the placental issues will be ok. Please continue to pray. We know this baby is in God's hands. And there are no other hands we would rather this baby be in.

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