Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Yesterday my mom was keeping Jack at our house while I was at work. Her and Jackson were running through the house. I think he was chasing her or something. Anyway, she ran into the bathroom and slipped on my blowdryer that I keep on the floor by the sink. She fell and broke her arm! The break is up high near her shoulder and it can't be set. It's wrapped up and she's on pain meds. She's in a lot of pain. I guess she's just going to be like that until it heals. She lives alone and needs to work but can't right now. Please pray for her. Her name is Marilyn.

Jackson was really calm when it happened. He got her purse and got her cell phone out of it for her and got the phone book so she could call me. Little hero. Phillip said if he was a dog and did that we could sell the story to some t.v. show. Too bad he's a kid. He'd have to something more exceptional than that to make any money off of it.

1 comment:

praynlady said...

Howdy, just happened to log in when you visited. I wanted to let you know that I was sorry to hear about your mum. I will add her to my prayer list.
While she's recouping.....teach her to blog! lol

Tell Jackson, "Way to go, little man!"