Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Super Secret Brazos Mall/Barnes & Noble Undercover Operation

On Wednesday, Phillip and I participated in fooling Barnes & Noble representatives into thinking that our mall is truly a "prime retail experience." The cost of our integrity was $5.00 a piece so we could eat mediocre Wendy's cuisine. I am so ashamed.

Just in case you don't know what in the world I'm talking about, from 12:00-3:00 on Wednesday there were allegedly Barnes & Noble reps. sent out to check out our mall as a potential new location for one of their stores. The mall was handing out $5.00 vouchers to people to come and show support of our glorious mall during those hours.

I think it would be hilarious if Brazos Mall's little scheme to get patrons botched the whole thing. Hello! People were all over our pitiful "food court" running around with special little $5.00 golden tickets eating Wendy's food like there was no tomorrow since Wendy's is our only place to eat out there. Do they think that these representatives were thinking, "Hmmm, that's curious. The people in this peculiar little town really like Wendy's." Uh, no!! They're going to think, "What do they think, we're stupid?! Paying people off to impress us! We won't be taken in by these "City of Enchantment" weirdos! We are so out of here!"

Well, that's my take on the whole thing in a nutshell. But hey, I got free food out of it so that's cool.


mindy said...

we would've definitely been there if we heard about that. any hope we'd get a Barnes & Noble? Mark would be the happiest man in the world!

praynlady said...

I don't get to the mall much, but I'd have made the trip for free food! heehee
Our mall is not worth the drive to me but I do still like El whatever it is there. oh yeah, Chico. Is Nancy still there? And if it is still there, lets not forget the hotdog place or whatever, inbetween the only two choices for fast food, Wendys and Chic Fil A. Food court? thats a laugh. It is more like a, well I don't know what, but it is not a "court" that is laughable. Man, now I'm getting hungry and I need groceries so I guess I'd better get off the computer and get to it. I might just starve to death. haha

Jenny Hintze said...

Chick-fil-A is gone and so is Hot Stop or whatever it was called. El Chico is still there and the Cookie and the Pretzel place, but that is it!

reflectionsofatexan said...

I was kind of glad the Hot Stop closed down...I hated that in a "no-smoking" mall, there always seemed to be people lighting up inside that 'hole in the wall'. However, I was surprised Chick-Fil-A closed out...they always seemed really busy. I think Brazos Mall is kind of dying out, which is sad...They've lost..lets see..Gap, Service Merchandise, Chick-Fil-A, Hastings, Hot Stop (:(, and probably others. Is the management new over there or what?
-Mindy Jensen

praynlady said...

Maybe they'll doze it all down and start over with a multi level, true food court, stretched out into more of the parking lot, less parking, more handicap parking, skating rink holding, waterpark containing, new one! haha One can dream!!!!