Monday, November 05, 2007

Mikey's boo boo

Mikey got a pretty good little "owie" today. He's gotten little bumps and bruises before but this is the worst so far. He lost his balance and hit his eyebrow on the corner of the coffee table. It bled a lot! It was pretty scary because I couldn't really tell where the blood was coming from at first. A nurse at the pediatrician's office took a look at it. She said it could possibly use a stitch or two, but she didn't really think it was necessary. She just told me to cut strips from the sticky part of a band aid and put it over the cut to keep it together. Poor little guy. When it happened he screamed for about 20 seconds and then he was ready to keep playing. This kid is crazy so I know it's just a matter of time before something like this or worse happens again. Jackson made it to almost 5 before he had to get stitches. And Mikey almost had to get them at 9 months. Anyway, hopefully it heals up and he doesn't have a noticeable scar.

1 comment:

Mad Housewife said...

Kids get boo-boos. That's just life. When Jimmy was about a year and a half old I had him in his playpen. He wanted out, but I was busy cleaning and didn't want him out getting in the way of the vacuum. So he banged a toy against his forehead until his skin burst open and started spewing blood. He was crying, but I didn't hear with the vacuum on and my body turned to the opposite corner. It was nearly a minute after blood was getting everywhere before I noticed the damage. That little incident required steri-strips glued on his noggin in the ER.