Wednesday, November 07, 2007

We finally have a termination date

I just found out that Mikey's parental termination hearing is scheduled for December 11th. Even though mom relinquished, the state still has to have a termination hearing for mom and "unknown father." I'm glad they finally set a date, but I was hoping it would be sooner than this. So after that date, we have to wait 90 days to adopt. That puts us adopting in March. So we went from everyone telling us it would be November to them telling us end of January or early February to March. Needless to say, I'll believe it when I see it. I don't mean to sound negative about the whole thing. It is good that we have a real date in mind. Things with Mikey have gone about as good as you can hope for with a newborn baby. It's just been a slow process.

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