Sunday, July 31, 2005

What is it that makes us unique? What is it that sets our lives apart from everybody else's lives?

I've been trying to figure out why it is that I've had to know some of the experiences that I have known. Is it sin? Some of it, sure. Bad decisions by me or someone else? Yes, that too. But some things just seem to happen for no real reason at all. Is God just sitting around searching the earth looking for someone to dump something on? We know that He is not. Does God cause "bad things" to happen? Maybe, I don't know for sure that He doesn't. Does He allow "bad things" to happen? I guess so. But the thing is that He is God. And I'm not saying that He does cause or allow things to happen, but so what if He does? He's God, and who am I to question what He is doing?

Rather than sit around and get ticked off by what I've had to "deal with" in my life, I am trying to take a different approach here. He has given me this life and everything that makes this life mine. I have unique gifts, blessings, and burdens that are my own, given to me or maybe chosen for me by my Creator. He knows what I need to bring out the parts of me that must be brought out. He knows what must be done to me, in me, and around me to bring out my hidden talents, trapped compassions, unknown desires, and untapped knowledge. He alone knows what this life He has given me is really for. I do not believe that our lives are a game to God. I do not believe that we are His pawns to see what He can do to us, to see how far He can push us until we crack. Ultimately our goal in this earthly life is Heaven. But I don't really think that our lives here on earth are a test as I have heard people say before. That sounds to me like God is toying with us and I know that He is not. Now that is not to say that God doesn't test us from time to time. He does, but there is much more to our lives than that. We are here for a grand purpose. We are given situations and experiences that make us who we need to be to serve our Master in a more selfless way.

My life on this earth is not over, not by a long shot I hope. And I look forward with anticipation to see what else God will do in my life to set me apart. I look forward to seeing how I will be refined for His purpose. I welcome whatever else God sees fit to add to my job description. Bring it on! I'm ready! And for the times when I am not ready, that is when He will show Himself to me in ways I never could have imagined.


praynlady said...

"By George, I think you've got it"
Keep it up. Our God is awesome and we just have to have faith. He knew what He was doing long before we came along. He planned our lives before we were born and He alone knew the sorrows we would have to endure. The great thing is... He plans on us inviting Him in to share our sorrows and our joys. We just have to remember that.
You go girl!

praynlady said...

ps It was really great to meet you the other day. I've seen you a few times but never was able to get to you. Thanks for coming over and introducing yourself. I was really glad you did.

reflectionsofatexan said...

As for my own thoughts, I definitely do not think God 'causes' bad things to happen, but I to think He 'allows' them to happen. Why? Thats like the age-old question that I doubt anyone will ever find the answer to, at least to the satisfaction of humanity. It helps me to remember though that yes, we Christians have the Holy Spirit and the protection of God, but then again, we are still living in Satan's domain, earth. And until God returns again, bad things will continue to happen to both the good and the bad, if for no other reason than sin. Not always a direct effect of our personal sin, but the sin nature in the world around us. It came when Adam and Eve sinned, and stayed. The joy of being saved in Christ is that it doesn't end here. Our time of perfect peace and being completely out of 'harm's way' comes in Heaven, while on earth, Jesus said, if I suffered trials and tribulation, you will also. I don't know, just a couple of my own thoughts and perspectives.