Saturday, November 05, 2005

Nuns and Ponies...Told ya

On our little shopping trip this weekend, somehow the subject of miniature ponies came up. And I said something about a "nun farm" that raised miniature ponies. Mary Margaret did not believe that there is such a place. Well, Mary, here you go.

Monastery Miniature Horses


Maury said...

But don't they eat the ponies?

Jenny Hintze said...

Who told you that nuns eat ponies? You should make a little trip to Brenham and ask those nuns about it. They would be horrified and you would feel very proud.

Maury said...

I was just being a "smartie-pants." I had a whole little shtick about "nun farm" going, but I've got enough Catholic in my family so I quit while I was ahead. Alas, that left me with nothing but nuns eating the ponies.


Chuchey Dradey said...

At least they will get to ride a little stud at least once in their life.