Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pete, are you a Mormon?

I am shopping for clothing for Pete (Jack's bear) for Christmas on the Build A Bear Website. And lo and behold I came across a Mormon outfit complete with the Book of Mormon. No, I am NOT joking. Here's a picture and the caption. Check it out. For a mere $12.00, we can turn Pete into a Mormon. Notice in the caption below, there is a play Book of Mormon. Doesn't that sound like such fun?

Outfit includes white oxford shirt with
attached black tie and name badge, black
pants and play The Book of Mormon.


Jim Looby said...

Wow. All you need is a little bicycle.

Chuchey Dradey said...

Was there a devil outfit too?

Jenny Hintze said...

I think there might have been one during Halloween, but I'm not sure. That would be pretty cool.