Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A dream....or a nightmare

I had a dream last night that we got another baby. Actually we got another toddler, which is kind of worse than a baby. The dream seemed very real. A CPS worker brought a 12 months old little boy to our house and left. His bio-mom had already signed relinquishment papers so it was pretty much a done deal. In the dream I immediately started taking pictures of this kid and e-mailing them out to everybody on the planet. I remember that unlike Mikey, this kid was very calm and easy to handle. And that's pretty much all I remember about it.

So for those of you wackos who think this is some kind of sign or something, it's only a sign that I've got to be nuts to even dream such a thing. I think I dreamed this because Mikey is like having two toddlers at one time. And now that Phillip has gone back to work, I'm handling him by myself during the day.

It's kind of funny because I've told Phillip a couple of times that I think I want another one. And he makes a face that pretty much says, "That's ridiculous and NOT going to happen." Can't show you the face on my blog. I pretty much told him that there's not a kid on the planet that could give us more of a run for our money than Mikey. Any other kids that we get would be a walk in the park.

On a somewhat related side note, Mikey is a hilarious, crazy, blast to have in this house. And I can't even remember our life without him. I'm sure it was much calmer and quieter. It was also more empty and not nearly as fun.

1 comment:

debbie said...

He really is funny. Last night when we had him, he just laughed and laughed, even when he fell off the bed (he didn't hurt himself). And even when he picked up the huge candle off the coffee table and dropped it on the carpet. It broke into a million pieces. When I saw him pick it up, it scared me so much; I thought he was going to drop it on his foot. He thought it was hilarious though. Well we don't have to worry about that candle anymore.

Ok I got sidetracked there. My point is that he is a hilarious, wild, crazy kid that we just couldn't love more. Yes, life was a little calmer before Mikey but not nearly as fun. Who knew two grandkids who are such opposites could be so much fun. Thank you God for such a gift!