Monday, August 25, 2008

It was the 1st day of 1st grade

I can't believe he's in 1st grade. He used to be little enough for me to cradle in one arm. And now he's a 1st grader. I'm going to go pick him up now. I hope he has had a good time. And I hope I don't have to wait i line for eternity while Mikey screams his head off in the back seat. See ya.

Now, Billy Joe McGuffrey
was a really clumsy kid.
On the first day of first grade
I'll tell you what he did.
He tripped over a pencil box,
flew up in the air,
landed on a kangaroo
who pulled out all his hair!
He needed first aid in the first grade,
first aid in the first grade,
first aid in the first grade.
You could buy a zoo with all the doctor bills he paid.

-from the Veggie Tales movie about Jonah

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Great pic! Hope he had a wonderful day and has a really great year. 1st grade was alot of fun for Anna but they actually have homework!