Saturday, May 28, 2005

Dear God....Is that right?

Jackson's bedtime prayer last night was especially interesting. We usually pray basically the same prayer with him before bed, thanking God for today, and our family, and friends, and for loving us and this and that. Anyway, I told Jack to ask God to please keep our baby safe and this was his response...

"Help our baby to be safe so no dinosaurs can bite him and eat him up and so we can put gloves on him."

He's obsessed with gloves, has been for a year atleast and no one really knows why. The folks encourage this silly interest like good grandparents should. If he commands it, they wear gloves for hours on end (probably) while he's over at their house.

Anyway, I'm glad he's starting to get a little creative with his prayer life.

1 comment:

Lizanne said...

I am so grateful for the prayers of children and the way that they encourage us to be thankful for the little things. I am so glad that he prayed for prtection from dinosaurs. You never know when one may show up!
My youngest frequently thanks God for the walls, curtains, sheets, tubs, toilet paper, "sheddereing his blood", and his family. Definitely a more interesting prayer life!