Saturday, September 16, 2006

Oh, Tom

Jackson has discovered Tom and Jerry cartoons. He loves them. He laughs so hard he almost quits breathing. I don't get what's so funny about them but whatever. Atleast it's getting his mind off of Star Wars for a little while. He really likes the part at the very beginning where Tom takes the place of the roaring lion and meows a couple of times. Jackson's got the meow down pretty good. Sometimes while Jackson is watching it, he'll just say, "Oh, Tom."


Amy said...

I love the one where they freeze the kitchen and ice skate. The Jell-O mold light is the koolest.

Mad Housewife said...

Isn't it fun how our children are fascinated by the same things we were as kids? My son is into the same Hot Wheels cars my husband was as a child, and my daughter loves Cabbage Patch dolls and everything to do with Strawberry Shortcake. It's like toy-makers are purposefully coming back out with some items for our children to enjoy. It's nice because it brings back childhood memories whenever I help my daughter change her dolls' clothes and I smell the scent of the Strawberry Shortcake gang's sweet scent.