Friday, September 29, 2006

Girl...Boy....what difference does it make?

Well, as you may have read a few days ago, I've been questioning whether or not we should have requested a girl. And after talking about it, Phillip and I decided that we really, really don't care. So, I called the agency yesterday and told them that they can start looking for either girls or boys for us. So, we'll have some pink things to put away if a boy comes along but that's fine. If we get a boy this time around, I hope we can get a girl down the road. We've got lots of boy clothes in the attic that I can get down and wash. So, anyway, just thought I'd let you know.


Maury said...

So much for Shaak Ti...


Phillip Hintze said...

There are plenty of good boy names, though. Ki-Adi-Mundi is pretty catchy.

Maury said...

True, that. You could call him Little Ki. =)

Jim Looby said...

Or Manic Mundi.


Maury said...

Oh no you di'int.