Saturday, September 09, 2006

Something to pray about

We got a call yesterday about a legal risk placement. What that means basically is that the plan for the child is to place her with a family who wants to adopt. But the reason it is called legal risk placement is because the rights are not yet terminated, but the plan is for termination to happen. Anyway, our home study is being submitted (along with many many others) for this particular baby. This baby has not yet been born. We are really not getting our hopes up because our agency said there could possibly be 100 home studies submitted for this one child. Some panel of people will narrow it down to several families and then an advocate for those families will present them as a potential family for this child. Then they will choose a family based on who knows what. Anyway, just thought some of you might want to know about it. We really just want the child that is supposed to be ours. And it is very likely that this is not the one. But right now there's a little baby girl who will be taken from her birth mother as soon as she is born and placed with a family like us. So, just pray that that baby goes where God wants her to go and that our baby finds her way to us.

I'm beginning to put an album together on shutterfly just in case we are in the running once they narrow it down. Shutterfly has a really cool tool on their site to make a photo book. There are lots of different background, font, layout choices. I made one a month ago and they have improved it a LOT since then.


Maury said...

Man, y'all are having to wait forever — but better late than never.

/Begin Apple Salesman

Remember that you can do photo book stuff in iPhoto, too. iPhoto is probably loads more expensive, though.

/End Apple Salesman

Jenny Hintze said...

I didn't realize that you could do the book thing in iphoto. I looked at it and the prices are almost the same but there aren't as many background options. But it would have been a ton earsier than dumping picture after picture into shutterfly. Oh well, maybe next time.

Mad Housewife said...

Love is patient. Love is kind.

Your love for a child will be rewarded. Don't lose hope if this isn't the one.