Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Date Night

Every Tuesday evening is "date night" for Phillip and me.  When we first heard about couples having a designated night a week to get away we didn't really think that was something we would ever do.  I guess it's probably been a couple of years now since we've been doing Tuesday date night.  It is pretty high on our priority list.  We are lucky enough to live close to our parents so we don't have to break the bank on sitters.  And it gives our kids and their grandparents time to build important bonds.  

So, why do we do it?  We do it so that just for a few hours we can exist together without worrying about anybody else.  We can eat in relative peace and say the words "stupid" and "crap" if we feel like it.  We can talk about stuff besides Ninja Turtles, Wii games, or letter sounds.  Just for a little while we can hang out the way we did before we had kids.  It keeps us connected.  I think it helps us remember why we chose each other in the first place.  

Today is Tuesday and so this evening after Phillip gets home we'll pack up the kids and their stuff and take them to Nana & Granddad's house.  We'll go eat at one of our limited number of decent restaurant in town.  We may go to Target or Hastings and just wander around together. We'll probably discreetly make fun of a few people by just giving each other "the look."  And we'll most likely end up talking about the kids even though we're trying to get away from them.  It's pretty simple, really.  We never do anything fancy or expensive.  But it's one of the most meaningful things for our whole family.      

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