Thursday, February 28, 2008

My sick children

I took Mikey to the doctor yesterday because I suspected he might have another ear infection.  He gave little indication that his ear was bothering him but given his history and a slight fever on Tuesday, I decided to take him.  And his left ear is infected and ruptured because of it.  You would think that if your ear was so full of gunk that it ruptured, you would be in quite a lot of pain.  We really didn't know anything was wrong with him.  He's going to be seeing the ear, nose, and throat guy pretty soon to have his hearing checked and he might end up having to get tubes in his ears.  He's had several ear infections since the beginning of December.

In other news, Jackson started running a fever about 5:00 yesterday evening.  It quickly went up to about 104 so we took him out to the Emergency Room.  They tried Motrin and that brought it down so we came back home.  And he seems fine this morning.  Since I seem to catch everything, I'll probably catch whatever virus he has.  Last night in the ER Jackson pointed out (not very quietly) that "that man over there is naked."  He wasn't actually naked, he just didn't have a shirt on.....and he should was gross.

1 comment:

Mad Housewife said...

Jimmy brings home every bug that runs through their school. I've had a wicked bad cold bug for nearly two weeks! And I've lost over five pounds now because of it. I don't mind the weight loss though, since I gained 30 recently.