Friday, March 28, 2008

Count down to going public again....I think

I'm *pretty sure* I'll be making this blog public again after the adoption.  I don't really know why that has to be the magic time.  I've written a few things on here that might not be terribly pleasing to a few of the workers we've encountered during this process.  And after the adoption is final, I won't really care.  I initially went private because of prying estranged family, but they have moved to another state and I'm not very concerned about them anymore.  

But I'm not sure if this blog could interfere with my photoblog or photography business.  The stuff I write on here isn't always "professional" because this is just about my life and me and I want it be real.  So I'm not all that guarded and perhaps I should be more so.  Anyway, I guess I'm just wondering if it's reasonable to expect people to be cool with me having a personal blog completely separate from "professional" blog.  Like if they want to know about me, the real person or whatever, they're welcome to find out.  But if they just care about the pictures, then this isn't the place for them.  And if the "real me" want to use the word "crap" or call someone an idiot, will that cause them to feel uncomfortable with me photographing their children.  Of course I would never call a four year old an idiot, at least not where they could hear me.  What do you think?  Right now the stuff I write just has to be appropriate enough for my mom and mother-in-law to read and not be too offended or embarrassed.  BTW, if I end up making this blog public, I may delete this post.  Not sure.

1 comment:

gale said...

I think this blog gives you an outlet. You are a writer at heart and we all enjoy reading along with you. I admire the way you cann admit your shortcomings and the way you face your problems head up. It helps me to know the real Jenny. I have never read anything offensive in your blog (although years from now Jackson may not agree with me--his life is an open book). I also think any potential client of your photography would find nothing objectionable here. So my vote, for what it's worth, is go for it.