Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Decision 2008

I am not big into politics. I fully admit my ignorance on many political issues. I fully admit that is irresponsible of me. I sat last night as Barack Obama was declared the 44th President of the United States. I don't fully grasp what his presidency means for America, let alone me as an individual. Even though I did not vote for him, I still feel guilty for my ignorance and apathy. Maybe that same ignorance is what voted him in. Many people voted with their hearts and not their heads. Many people voted with a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and remained uneducated about who and what they were voting for. I am including myself in this.

I think it is truly amazing, given our history, that America voted an African American man to be the President. I think that, in and of itself, shows that were are finally abandoning some of the horrible bigotry of our past. But the more I learn about this man, the more concerned I am becoming for this country. I know God is in control. I pray that he does not remove his hand from us.


Andrea said...

I think whatever the outcome would have been in this election, we desperately need to be living out and sharing our faith like never before.

I don't think we can trust our leaders to lead our country in the way it was intended.

In God we must trust.

The Reich Blog said...

I have prayed and continue to pray that God has this under control and I can't do it alone. I trust that he will guide where we need guidance.

On a side note, you really have a gift of saying things when you write. Just FYI..