Monday, May 09, 2005

IT'S A.......

I went to the doctor today and had another ultrasound and it looks like we will be having another little boy! Everything looks good with the pregnancy. There are still some areas of concern with the placenta that are not as attached as they should be. And there is atleast one blood clot that the doctor found. I still have to stay off of my feet as much as possible as long as the placenta looks iffy. But overall, things look good. The baby is the right size and doesn't appear to have any abnormalities. We are still discussing name options. I may put a poll on here to get some input from my faithful readers. Anyway, we are happy, but still nervous. Please continue to pray for this little one. Jackson really wants a little brother.


mindy said...

Yay! That's wonderful news!

Lizanne said...

Hooray! Stil praying for you bunches!