Sunday, September 18, 2005

Beef...It's what's for dinner

My mom and my aunt are heading to Rapid City, North Dakota tomorrow for the National Beef Cookoff. My Aunt Carolyn is one of 20 finalist who will be competing in the cookoff and could potentially win some money. That would be pretty dang cool, not that I would get any of it or anything. My aunt has won several recipe contests over the years. She was in the Pillsbury Bakeoff several years ago but didn't win.

In honor of this event, I've been singing "The Beef Song" lately around the house, which is really Hoe-down by Aaron Copland, but I like to call it "The Beef Song" to annoy Phillip. He's sensitive about those kinds of things so I do whatever I can to get under his skin. Annoying Phillip is one of my great pleasures in life.

So, here's to you, Aunt Carolyn. Good luck and I'll be humming "The Beef Song" for you every chance I get.

Doot Doo Dee Doot Doo Dee Dee Doo Dee Doo Doo Doo Doo Dee Doot Deet Doot Doo Dee Dee Doo Doo Dee Dee Doo Doo.......Beef, It's what's for dinner.


Jenny Hintze said...

In case you are going to comment on the North Dakota, South Dakota thing... don't bother. I already know and you will look like a jerk if you comment anyway. (PhiLLip)

Phillip Hintze said...

I don't know geography. I may be AR about a great many things, but geography is certainly not one of them.