Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Get lost, Rita!!

This can't be happening!! I DO NOT want to accept that this hurricane is heading right for us.

I was watching a show about alien abductions the other day. And I thought, "Man, that sure would stink." But now I'm thinking it might not be that bad. They could just beam me up or whatever they do around Friday and bring me back around, oh Monday or so. I know they would probably do strange and unspeakable things to me but I'm sure they would have the courtesy of erasing it all from my memory. And then I could remain completely oblivious to the hurricane that is coming RIGHT FOR US!!!


Maury said...

It's going a bit further South than expected -- which is good for us!

However, it's bad for someone else.

I've been struggling with how to pray for this thing not to hit us simply because by praying for it to not it here, we're asking it to go somewhere else. So, I end up praying that we'll be spared and that if it must form and hit somewhere, that it'll hit somewhere sparsely populated. I guess that's okay, and I know God knows I don't want anyone to be hurt — but it's still an odd, though honest, prayer.

How do you pray for things like this (if you don't mind me asking)?

Phillip Hintze said...

Someone in small group last night said that the hurricane needs to become a hurri-plane and fly away. Pretty lame, eh? It wasn't even me that said it.

Jenny Hintze said...

I basically pray, "Your will, not mine. Give me the strength to handle whatever happens today."