Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mega Marbles

Tonight at Target Phillip found a huge deck of cards and immediately our minds went to the Marbles game. We should commission a huge marbles board with huge holes, huge marbles, and huge cards. I think Tommy and Andrea are trying to come up with ways to make their boards more portable and compact with hinges and/or handles and stuff. This board would be so huge it would be almost impossible to take anywhere, but it would look really cool and be fun to play if we could find a table big enough. So, Andrea, Tommy, can it be done?? Are you up for the challenge? I think the marbles would be hard to find....but not impossible. Nothing worth doing is easy, right? It could even be a table of its own with legs!!! I am a genius!!

1 comment:

Phillip Hintze said...

I found this site that sells mega replacement marbles. They have 1" and 9/16" sizes. Those are pretty big marbles. I also found these art glass marbles that are 1 5/8" and cost $36 each. Let's see, $36 x 6 players x 5 marbles each = $1080! Yikes!