Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Star Wars Lullaby Video

I've been trying to post this video and I'm not sure if it's going to work. The quality of this video is pretty bad but it's really cute. This was taken when Mikey was a few weeks old. Jackson was holding him and humming Star Wars music to him. It looks like Jackson almost falls asleep there at the end. I don't think I've posted this before.


Andrea said...

If you have posted it before, I missed it. It's precious. I loved watching Jackson's tummy go up and down when he hit the high notes.

RanAshKenCoop said...

I LOVE that video! How sweet! And I'm cracking up at the end how he looks at you so sleepy like, "I'm so good at singing lullabies, I even make myself sleepy." So precious!!

The Reich Blog said...

How cute is that? You really have 2 sweet boys. I love it. Thanks for sharing!