Sunday, December 07, 2008

'Tis the Season

This is a really busy time of year in the photography business. I think I'm almost past my busiest time of the year. It's been fun but I'm tired. We still haven't gotten out any Christmas decorations. We need to get that done this week. I second shot a wedding last night. I've been doing a few of those here and there. It's really good experience and kind of fun. I'm not sure if the wedding thing is growing on me or not. I'm proud to say that I got hit on last night at the wedding by a less than attractive man. If he had actually been cute, I might have been flattered....still unwilling and uncomfortable, but flattered none the less. Instead I was annoyed. He started calling me "Ice Queen." Nice.

So, that's what's been going on in my life lately. Not a whole lot to write home about.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Well, I always knew that Phillip was a lucky man!