Saturday, October 01, 2005


Some crazy woman called our house twice in the last thirty minutes threatening to press charges against us for phone harassment. She says that someone from this phone number has been calling and leaving nasty messages on her cell phone. I have a picture here of what I think she might look like in 30 years or so. I ripped this off from Maury's blog.

Ok, let's just think about this for a minute. If you are reading this, then you probably know Phillip and me pretty well. And unless Jackson has been leaving threatening messages on someone's phone, those calls have not been coming from this house. Phillip and I may be many things...but we are not crank callers.

She says she's going to get private investigators and the authorities involved. I said, "Good, please do. Then I won't have to." Last time she called I asked her if she had been drinking. And I think the next time she calls I'll ask her what kind of Marlboros she smokes and which episode of Jerry Springer she appeared on last.

Yeah, yeah, I know I should probably invite her to church or whatever. But, I think my crazy aquaintance quota is currently filled. I have no more room for crazies in my life at the moment.

1 comment:

praynlady said...

Hey, that's one of my favorite pictures of my aunt! I am pretty sure Maury was told as well. She may not be much to look at but she shore can cook! haha
Can you block her number? She probably has the correct number but the wrong area code. It happened to us once and we just told the guy to check the area code he had dialed and he transposed two of the numbers. He never called again!