Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My Feet Stink

Lately I have noticed that I have stinky feet. I've never really noticed it before a few weeks ago. Is it the shoes I'm wearing? The soap I'm using? Have I always had stinky feet and just never noticed? Do other people notice? Has everyone around me known for years that I have stinky feet and just never told me? Do I need to wear special stink proof socks? Maybe I should wear socks, period. That could be it. But I've never liked wearing socks. Do I need to wash my feet several times a day? Do your feet stink? Be honest.


Maury said...

I rest my case.

/Maury bows
//Maury leaves the room

Jim Looby said...

Only when I don't wear socks.

Jenny Hintze said...

Such a jerk! Not you, Jim. Though you very well could be a jerk too. I wouldn't be suprised.

Jim Looby said...

Not nearly as much as some.

tmosh said...

i think sometimes the shoes you are wearing can lend to stinky-er feet, but all in all i notice that if i stop sweating in one place i start sweating in another! - ha you say? tis true, when your body has to sweat it sweats, maybe it's just your feet's turn to do the sweating.

Jenny Hintze said...

Maybe it's those yucky Hintze boys we've been hanging around with. Mabye they make us nervous and make us sweat.