Friday, October 14, 2005

What a Difference

At BPF band rehearsal tonight, we practiced Truth, which is a song that Phillilp and I wrote a little over a year ago. We will be doing this song in the services this weekend. This song is not one of my favorites that we have written. It just never really grew on me like some of the others. It never felt finished or something. I don't know what it was exactly. But it sounded really cool tonight with the full band. It made such a huge difference in the way the song comes off. This will be the first one of our songs that has been done with a full band. I'm pretty excited. I just hope no one, including me, screws it up.


Jim Looby said...

Did y'all record it? The "unplugged" version reminds me a little of Jennifer Knapp.

Jenny Hintze said...

I don't think we did. Our church usually doesn't record the music...not sure why. Unless Phillip asked them to record it, then I doubt it. I've heard that before, about Jennifer Knapp. I haven't listened to much of her stuff.