Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Step of Faith

After several months of thinking it over, Phillip and I have decided to get the adoption ball rolling. We've decided to go with the Dillon Adoption Agency and we hope to adopt a baby from South Korea. Before we mail out the initial paperwork, we want to feel as sure as we can that we're doing the right thing. We will have months of paperwork, questions, social worker visits, and who knows what else. From the time we mail out the initial application to the time we get our baby could be from 12 to 18 months. It's going to be exciting and also very stressful. I've started a journal to document the process and I hope to give it to our child someday when he or she is old enough to appreciate it's meaning. Please pray for us a we begin this new journey.


Maury said...

AWESOME! Karen and I will be keeping you guys and your families in our prayers!


Jim Looby said...

God bless you with your efforts!

katie said...

This is great news! Kyle and I will keep you guys in our prayers. I know this is not an easy decision to make, but God always blesses parents with the wisdom and love for more children...whether biological or not. My sister has been living in South Korea for awhile now, if you have any questions about a certain region or cultural aspects, I can connect you two...she turns 26 this year, and she and her husband can't wait to have children also.