Friday, January 06, 2006

That's sick

Jackson is sick. I think this mess has been going around. Fever, vomiting, and.....other stuff. Right now he has a fever of about 101.5. He hasn't thrown up yet, but he's had the other stuff. Right now I'm just waiting for him to puke all over the couch. He's watching Napoleon Dynamite right now and laughing like crazy. But he doesn't want to eat or play. He's milking the fact that he's sick. He wanted me to feed him his dinner on the couch. He keeps grinning when I say things like, "Oh, my poor baby. He's so sick." It's pretty funny. But it won't be funny when he pukes. He said, "I'm ready for my sick to be done." Well put, little buddy.

So, anyway, I'm sure Phillip and I will have it in a few days. Yippeee!

Phillip told him to make a sick face. This is what we got.


Chuchey Dradey said...

Nothing like a little Dynamite to cure ones ales...

Chuchey Dradey said...

not beer, ailes... whatever.

debbie said...

Poor baby!

Phillip Hintze said... cure what ails you.

debbie said...

Why does it show my comment as being at 7:35. It was 9:35. That is weird.

Maury said...

Hope the little guy gets better soon.

beth hintze said...

OH!!! Phillip got called out!! Oh, how the mighty do fall!! :) [And I realize that what I'm doing will indeed cause more sarcastic monitoring of my own typos--but who cares! It's fun! :)]


debbie said...

I think Phillip was correcting someone else's typo Beth. So yes, you can watch out for it now.

Phillip Hintze said...

what Mom said.

Beth - bring it on...