Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What to be for Halloween.....

Jackson has lots of costumes. He has red and black Spiderman, Raphael (The Ninja Turtle), Batman, Darth Vader, doctor, SWAT team officer. I think that's it, but I could be missing something. He has been planning on being Raphael but now he says he's going to be Darth Vader. I need to try to throw some kind of costume together for myself. I have a clown wig and clown makeup (thanks to Rachel). I'm not sure where the nose is and I don't really have any clown clothes. Maybe I'll wear one of Jackson's Spiderman masks with the clown wig. So anyway, I'll probably be posting some ridiculous pictures later.


Maury said...

I was wanting to go the Halloween party I'm being forced to go to as The Guy That Didn't Want To Dress Up For Halloween Because He's Too Old And Doesn't Have Kids To Justify Dressing-Up As Though He Was One, but Karen wouldn't let me.

I also couldn't sell her The Guy That Would Rather Be At Home, since she thought that may be rude.

So, I'm just dressing normal and wearing a Don King wig, and Karen's going as static cling.

I do not plan on posting pictures.

Mad Housewife said...

Jimmy will be a firefighter, Evelyn will be a fairie princess ballerina-type little girl, and Sarah will be a pink leopard (looks likt footie pajamas with a tail on the rump roast and a hoodie decorated with cat eyes and ears and whiskers).

I am going as a mom, and Jim is going as a dad. I think we have the best costumes of all. Ha! Ha!

Jim Looby said...

I went as The Guy Who Needs A Haircut.