Monday, October 10, 2005

People Are Jerks

Sometime between 12:30, when we finished watching Lost, and 7:00 this morning some creep bashed the rear window of one of our cars. That particular car has also been sprayed with a fire extinguisher, and smeared with what looked like human poop in the last year. So if the jerk who did this just happens to be reading my blog, which I really doubt, STOP spraying, bashing, and pooping on my car!! Go find something else to do!! You're getting on my nerves. And if you also happen to be that crazy smoking woman that terrirized me over the phone, you are REALLY getting on my nerves.

What kind of sicko takes a dump on somebody's car anyway?


Maury said...

IT WASN'T ME even though I find the idea of tossing a pooch on someone's car hilarious. More specifically, the mental image of someone trying to "stay in position," pants down, on the hood of someone's car at 3 in the morning while grumping.

That's the only humorous thing about it.

Anyway, if you ever catch the guy(s) that did it, be sure to call me so I can come help y'all "talk" to them.


Jenny Hintze said...

I really prefer the image of someone squatting on the hood of our car to get the poo on it rather than placing it there. I wish to believe that's how they did it. Because then the person just seems like someone worth meeting. Don't you think?

praynlady said...

You need one of those deer hunting cameras that you can place outside in a tree aimed at the vehicle. Would really be funny to place it on the 10:00 news at ABC or in the Facts with a pic of someone "squatting" on it! The very idea has me laughing. I haven't done that in a while! Thanks Jenny!

ps, I'm looking at the word verification and wondering why I always get the long hard ones to read!!!

Maury said...

We were always partial to placing trash bags in the across someone's driveway like a road block.

We'd also do it in the street, then find a cop and make him chase us — then we'd wave as he stopped short in front of our road block as we hauled butt through the ditches.

Good times.

Jenny Hintze said...

You're a quality guy, Maury.

Andy Cyndi, starting a sentence with "I didn't do it" always makes one look guilty. I've come to expect more from you, Cyndi. Shame on you.

Maury said...

I could write a book on all the things we did growing up. We enjoyed spray paint — bright orange, specifically.

And flour and water.

We also liked banging on people's windows at 2:00am with rolled-up newspapers.

We also liked to dust our friends' cars with baby powder — that was always fun.

Oh mother, I could go on for hours — and I haven't even gotten past what we did in 6th grade.

About the only thing we didn't do, it seems, is drop the kids off on someone's car.

Maury said...

Friends' Moms' cars, I mean (we weren't driving in 6th grade, thankfully).

Mad Housewife said...

I got behind a Honda with a bashed-in rear window covered with some kind of plastic the other day (Saturday, maybe) on HWY.288 going to the gym. Was that you? Just wondering.

Jenny Hintze said...

No, that wasn't us. Our red old piece of junk Chevrolet Cavalier got bashed.