Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas '05

We had a really good Christmas. Jack got more stuff than any kid could need and he had a blast. Here are a few pictures for you to check out. Phillip has more pictures on his blog.

This is a picture of Jackson kind of wearing his Spiderman mask. He says that it's hard to breathe in so he pulls it up like this. It looks kind of like a bonnet. By the way, I tried the mask on and wore it for a little while and it's not really hard to breathe in at all. Just in case you were curious.

This is Jackson looking very excited about his wiki stix. Debbie bought him like 50 of them or something. They are staying at Nana and Granddad's house. I'm not a big wiki stix fan.

I stole Jack's remote control Jeep. It's pretty cool.

1 comment:

praynlady said...

Great pics! Jackson looks great as spiderman! Hope your new year is great as well.

ps, call me if you get a minute, I need to talk to you about a skit for church, if you'd be interested, for the ladies retreat!

thanks, Colleen