Monday, December 05, 2005

Different Voice, Different Color

As Phillip wrote on his blog, we rented March of the Penguins for Jack to watch. It was very cool. I liked it alot. But anyway, while I was watching it with Jackson on Sunday afternoon, Jack said, "Who is that guy?" I asked him what guy he was talking about. And he said, "The guy that's talkig." The movie is narrated by Morgan Freeman, who is a pretty cool African American actor with a very distinct voice. There's a picture of him just in case you're really bad about putting names with faces like I am.

Anyway, I told Jack that the man's name is Morgan Freeman. Then Jackson asked, "Is his skin the same color like ours?" Now keep in mind, Morgan Freeman narrates the movie. You never see him. I thought it was really weird. This is the first comment I've ever heard him make regarding different skin color. I told him that his skin is not the same color as ours and that his skin is brown. I asked Jack why he asked if his skin was the same color as ours and he said he didn't know. I'm wondering if he saw him on a commercial or something and remembered his voice. Or could Jack detect something in his voice or the way he speaks that sounded different from ours? Anyway, it was just kind of an interesting question for him to ask. I wish I knew what goes on in his head.

1 comment:

Maury said...

I sometimes wish I could make my voice sound like Morgan's. He did a great job in The Shawshank Redemption, too.

I got Karen March of the Penguins as one of her stocking stuffer thingies, and I'm looking forward to grabbing it out of her hand once she unwraps it so that I can watch it.