Sunday, December 18, 2005

Narnia book

We have this little easy reader book for Jack with pictures from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe movie. Anyway, Phillip asked Jack tonight if he wanted to read "The Narnia book." And Jack said, "It's actually called the Chronicles of Narnia." Phillip asked him where he heard that and he said he just made it up (not true of course). Then he said something like, "Well, actually I like to say it like that now." The word "actually" actually comes out something like "akshawy." He also likes to say, "in fact" from time to time. Little nerd.


Maury said...

Now he needs to learn:

"Come to think of it..."
"If memory serves..."
"I'll tell you what I think..."
"Sweet bleary Moses!"

And of course, the ultimate retort — the one that cannot be challenged, and wins all arguments/disputes with no chance of rematch:

"Says you!"

Phillip Hintze said...

I thought it was "Sweet Fancy Moses"

Come to think of it, if memory serves me correctly I thought that "Yeah, but still..." was the ultimate argument-winner.

Maury said...

The second word in the Moses phrase is interchangeable. "Fancy" has always had a nice ring to it, but I change it from time to time.

As for "Yeah, but still..." being the ultimate winner, all I can say is (...wait for it...) says you.

ZING! =)

Jim Looby said...

My favorite is "I'm just sayin..."

For some reason, the other person always thinks they've won the argument. When all I'm saying is, "kiss off, I'm tired of arguing with your fool head."

I've always been fond of "Good mother of Moses" but one time I blurted out (in front of my class, no less) "Good mother of meat!" Whatever that means.

Maury said...

I've been saying "what in the crotch" a lot lately, for some reason. I tend t like words with the "cr" combo, ie: crap, crotch, crimminy, etc.