Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Concert Pet Peeves

Phillip had his Christmas concert tonight with the High School Orchestra. The L.J.I. orchestra also performed. So my mom and I went in and found good seats right in the middle not too close to anybody. And a few minutes after we sat down two different families with small children came and sat right behind us. Kids are cool and all but there are just some places that kids really shouldn't be brought to in my opinion. And some of it depends on the kid. But man, there was this kid right behind me about 6 years old or so and he was driving me nuts. He was talking way above a whisper, kicking the back of my chair (which makes my blood boil), standing up right behind me, etc. The adults that were with him kept telling him to be quiet but of course it did not work. So I'm trying to think of the things I could do to get this kid to shut up. I wasn't really considering doing any of these things but you know, ideas just run through your head. I could:

A. turn around and smack the kid
B. turn around and smack the kid's mom
C. politely ask them to keep it down
D. turn around and glare at them (which I did once)
E. move to a different seat while the groups were switching out

I decided that once the Intermediate School was done we would just move to keep myself from doing anything I would later regret. But thankfully after the Intermediate School was done that family left, which leads into another pet peeve. People were just getting up all through out the concert, coming in and going out. Right in the middle of the pieces. That is so rude! And if you go to a concert shouldn't you respect all the groups performing enough to stay through them? I was there at the beginning to listen to the not-so-great Intermediate School groups. Shouldn't they have the courtesy to stay and listen to the other groups? Oh well, whatever. I'm just glad that family with that bratty kid left.

Phillip did a good job by the way.


Jim Looby said...

Same thing happened to me and Amy when we went to go see a movie this weekend. Worse than the urchins were the two young women (late teens/early twenties) who were text messaging through the entire movie in front and to my left. Which basically meant that there was a small,yet stunningly bright, light in my field of vision through the entire film. Makes you love people.

Jim Looby said...

Hmm. Seems like I screwed up my link. I'm sure Maury or Phillip will tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Maury said...
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Maury said...

Here you go: Link To Amy's REALLY Pink Blog.

Maury said...

You should have let jack bring one of his light sabers and then he could have smacked the kids with it (humming in monotone while doing so, of course).

Jim Looby said...

yeah, but what am I doing wrong? I'm using "Amy". Why do I keep getting "http://www.blogger.com/braindroppings1.blogspot.com" instead?

Jim Looby said...

Hmm. Apparantly, I sukc at teh internts. Apologies to Jenny for my hoggin' up her blog. As soon as I get mine up, feel free to crud up the comments.

Amy said...

Wow, so much over my blog...it's really not that interesting you know.

It is really pink though. Why? They didn't have purple to choose.

Jim Looby said...

I feel blessed that our house is such a normal color.