Saturday, December 17, 2005

Cookie Party

Jackson got invited to a cookie making party by a little girl in his class at school. According to Jackson, she is his "best friend." There are seven boys in his class and only one girl and she's the one he wants to play with all the time. Anyway, this party is Wednesday morning and I have to work. So I think Phillip should take him to the party. If he did, he would likely be the only daddy there. It would mostly be chatty, loud women and they would probably really get on his nerves. And he would have to make himself be nice. But I think he should take him anyway. What do you think? Keep in mind, no one can talk Phillip into acutally doing this. Personally, I wouldn't want to go either. For the most part, women annoy me.


Phillip Hintze said...

Sometimes I think you just might be evil.

Chuchey Dradey said...

Be careful, my 4 year old girlfriend taught me how to kiss french style. Believe it or not.

Jenny Hintze said...

Dude, Jack started trying to slip us the tongue when he was like 5 months old.