Saturday, December 17, 2005

Raw Cookie Dough

Family and coworkers, prepare to be stunned.

After all my warnings, rantings, and disapproving looks... After years of insistence that no one should eat raw cookie dough, I just gave some to my son. Yes, I let him eat raw cookie dough. Not much, just a couple of bites. It specifically says on the package, "Bake before consuming." And I gave him some anyway. And he loved it. He wanted more and I told him it wasn't good for his tummy.

My (irrational) fear of eating raw cookie dough comes from my(irrational) fear of possible salmonella in raw eggs, which is destryed during the cooking process. This is also why I'm really grossed out by handling raw chicken. But as you are probably thinking and as many people have told me repeatedly, "I've been eating raw cookie dough for years and I've never gotten sick." And so, here in typed print, I will admit there's probably nothing wrong with eating a little bit of it occasionally.

If some of my family (you know who you are) now think it's perfectly ok to fill Jack's belly with gobs of it, this is not the case. I still don't really think it's a great idea to eat it. And I will still choose not to eat it myself. But if he eats a little bit once in a while, I guess it's ok.

Now really all this means is that I'm giving you my permission to do something that you would do or have already done anyway.


Maury said...

You'd think that since Cookie Dough ice cream is so popular, we'd be seeing cases all over the world of people getting si— ahh...never mind.

/Got nothing
/Goes to check the LItter-Robot

Jenny Hintze said...

I don't think that's really raw cookie dough. I certainly doesn't have raw eggs in it.

Maury said...

That was my joke — and why I said "people getting si— ahh...never mind".

And hey, I managed to talk Jack into giving me one of his donut holes this morning — and I ate it! I have no idea where he had been sticking his fingers, and I still ate a donut hole he touched with his little kid fingers.

Aren't you proud of me? =)

Jenny Hintze said...

I got that it was a joke, you know.

Yeah, Phillip told me about that. That is amazing. Are you cured??!! I can tell you where he's been putting his little kid fingers if you really want to know. He really likes picking his nose lately. He says boogers are his "favorite." That's just one of the many gross things he touches on a daily basis.